ka exercise

wednesday, 27 august 2014

ka (Egyptian): light body

ka breath

while breathing slowly

  • on the in breath, draw in a column of light (see “colours”) all the way from the source (see “exercise”), extending the column of light through the body
  • on the out breath, expand the column of light into your field that surrounds your body, filling it above, below and around


perform the Ka breath, drawing in on separate breaths

  • “gold” light (knowledge)
  • “rose” light (love)
  • “electric blue” light (power)


repeat three times (3x) each

  • drawing down from the centre of the galaxy to the Omega chakra (8” below your spine) a column of light, expanding the light into your field, each colour (gold, gold, gold, rose, rose.. electric blue)
  • drawing up from the centre of the earth to the Alpha chakra (8” above your head) a column of light, expanding the light into your field, each colour
  • drawing down from the centre of the galaxy to the Omega chakra and up from the centre of the earth to the Alpha chakra, a column of light crossing at the lower dantian (located slightly below and behind the belly button), expanding the light into your field, each colour

for a total of 27 Ka breaths